Invitation of Mr. Martin Bozhankov – President of Model European Union Blagoevgrad at the American University in Bulgaria:
“We are inviting your students to participate in our event, Model European Union Blagoevgrad 2023, which will take place between the 21st and 23rd of April.The conference simulates the EU legislative procedure, giving participants a first-hand experience in how diplomatic affairs within the EU take place. Your students can choose to take up the roles of Members of the European Parliament, Ministers of the Council of EU, journalists, who cover the event and take part in press conferences, or lobbyists who will engage with representatives in trying to promote the interests of their assigned lobby group.
This year’s topic for the event is Instrumentalization in the Field of Migration and Asylum whereby we will discuss the issues surrounding the policies of the EU concerning migration and asylum.
One lucky student will receive the Best Delegate Award, and will receive a free trip to Brussels!
Applications are open right now, and will remain open till the 5th of April, 11:59 PM EET. Students can apply by using this link:<>
As part of the event, we will be organizing different recreational and social activities, where our participants can network.
It is important to note that we have no participation fee for the conference, and the accommodation in Blagoevgrad is fully covered by us!”